Music boxes and singing birds Reuge : The art of mechanical music



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Manufacturer Owners

(we are NOT part of

Reuge or Thorens)


Thorens Music Boxes

Music On/Off


The Thorens AD30 is a 30 tooth comb musical movement that plays 4.5" metallic discs.  We are compiling a list of the AD30 discs that we hope to be as complete a list as available.  The 4.5" Thorens discs still have a limited production by Reuge in Switzerland.  Below you will find the list of what we have found to date with a few that link to MP3 files made from our boxes.  Most of the titles were found from websites such as E-bay.  In all there are approximately 1700 (maybe many more).  A few people are starting to produce new disks of other musical selections.  As they become available and we find out about them we will list them as well.  If you see any corrections and if you have any additions please contact Kevin.  I would like to obtain discs we do not already have.  Our primary interest is in discs of religious nature.

I have redone the pages so that they will hopefully load a little faster and you do not have quite as many LONG pages. 

Please note that the "Disc Page" is still very LONG because I have tried to list every disc I have info for.