Welcome to the Aerial Photo
Lab, Inc. website!
Your source for high
quality and fast turnaround film scanning
and archival enlargements
from original film or digital files.
We now own 6 Aerial Film
Effective July 1, 2010 our past price now INCLUDES
the Dust & Scratch scanning on color films.
We also now can scan in 8, 10, 12 & 14 bit.
here for additional useful information
Price List Link
a copy of APL, Inc. information
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APL, Inc. is a current member of the
following organizations:
ASi –
Adventist-Laymen's Services & Industries
- National Rifle Association
Science Zone Corporation -
Kepler Sponsor
Our owners run their home and
business on the principles found in Malachi 3:10. Over the
last several years we have turned our focus toward more direct ministry
projects. Our office has been involved in helping to build a
church in Peru & several in Africa starting in 2009 utilizing
the One Day Church program. We encourage you
to learn about and support the following organizations. We have a
strong personal desire to place an emphasis on missions and these are
the areas that we work with:
- Three Angels Broadcasting Network
& ACTS Disaster Response- Adventist Development & Relief Agency
Amazing Facts - Outreach
& Evangelistic Series and LOT of biblical fact that are available on
ASi –
Adventist-Laymen's Services & Industries
Kids Time on 3ABN - This is
a children oriented television program with host Brenda Walsh.
These include Nature Time, Learning Time, Praise Time, Story Time and
more. This program is enjoyed by people of all ages. If you
watch this program you may even see our children on this program.
Maranatha Volunteers International
- learn more at www.maranatha.org
Building Schools and Churches world wide with programs like the $10
church! Also working with One Day Church below and putting in
Water Wells for only $3000 in Africa.
Development Project - From small beginnings MDP continues to
grow rapidly. In 2010, the MDP Education Centre (MDPEC) was opened for
young Maasai girls at risk for undergoing female genital mutilation (FGM)
and early childhood marriage. MDPEC provides a safe home and education.
Your partnership with MDP and MDPEC empowers, strengthens, and provides
the gift of spiritual and socioeconomic choice in the Maasai communities
whom we serve.
One Day Church -
Building Churches in Africa & South America for $3000 (with current
matching funds they are only $1500)
Seventh-day Adventist Church
and several outreach programs with in. For some local concerts &
activities see HERE
Science Zone Corporation
- Puts on mobile science shows and drug education programs for public
and private schools, churches, and youth groups through out North
PLEASE NOTE : If your organization
wishes for us to consider a corporate or private donation we request you
fax a letter describing the program to us and it will be reviewed and if
we feel led to make a donation it will be mailed to you. No
further action is needed. If you are not able to follow this
procedure then your organization will not be able to be considered.